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SIDE EFFECT INITIO PARFUMS – سيد افكت إنتي برفمص
SIDE EFFECT INITIO PARFUMS – سيد افكت إنتي برفمص
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SIDE EFFECT INITIO PARFUMS – سيد افكت إنتي برفمص

The Tobacco, Vanilla, Rum and Cinnamon harmony of this fragrance is spellbinding. It tantalizes the most discerning senses by playing off each of its facets - Leather, animal and the woody note of Vanilla - one by one. Recklessly bold... and stirring. Deeply buried emotions and passions take over. The fragrance lifts the veil on the unsayable.This passionate perfume has the power to plunge its wearer into that altered statewhere nothing is too daring because there are no risks left.